Biblical Counseling
Find lasting freedom and healing by discovering your identity in Christ.
Your Journey Starts Here
Missing - Broken - Addicted - Lost - Unloved - Worthless
These are labels that keep us from identifying who we truly are. In Biblical counseling you are matched with someone who will help you
recognize these lies and teardown the barriers that prevent you from breaking free. There is hope. There is life change. It comes from Jesus.

“Pride leads to conflict; those who take advice are wise.”
(Proverbs 13:10)
Our Process
We learned from the best. For over 40 years, Life Center has been successfully ministering to individuals, married couples, families, youth, and children. Their unique approach encompasses the spirit, soul, and body, which addresses the whole person. From the perspective of how God created us, they present a simple, yet comprehensive path, that leads to revelation and understanding of not only the problem but also God’s solution. They use unique visual diagrams and illustrations that help the client and to “see” what God is showing them. Although Redeem counselors are not TN state licensed counselors, all of our Biblical counselors have successfully completed the Advanced Ministry Training program with Life Center.
How It Works
Often our best efforts to deal with emotional pain and confusion or stress, regardless of how sincere or how Christian, fall short. That leaves many wondering “What is wrong with me?” Rest assured you are a redeemed child of God, in right standing with God, indwelt by the power of the Holy Spirit. There is nothing wrong with you.
Starting with the first session, our staff will help clients start to identify and understand the real problems that are hindering their freedom and peace. Progressively, clients come to know how their beliefs are affecting their ability to live from the indwelling life of Christ. They will experience healing and freedom, and achieve the overwhelming victory of learning how to walk in the “new way of living” of Christ for abundant life.
God promises to pour out abounding grace for anger, depression, guilt, and shame, feelings of inadequacy, anxiety, fear, eating disorders, self-harm, self-esteem issues, addictions, grieving losses, abuse survivor, abusive relationships, abortion recovery, etc. With God, nothing is impossible. -
Income Based Payment
We recognize not everyone is in the same financial season or has the resources available for counseling. We never want a barrier to come between you and healing; this is why we have established a sliding scale of payment based on your households annual income.
For every 90 minute session, your counseling fee is unique to you and your situation. See below for our income bracket range. Still need help? Please reach out to us and let us know more about your unique situation and see if you qualify for a financial scholarship.
Household Income:
- Less than $60,000 = $60.00 each 90 minute session
- $70,000 to $80,000 = $80.00 each 90 minute session
- $80,000 to $90,000 = $90.00 each 90 minute session
- $90,000 or more = $100.00 each 90 minute session