Nancy Beckim
Nancy Beckim is referred to as “The Organizational Ninja,” “The Fixer,” and “The Energizer Bunny” by those who know her best. Her passion for developing leaders by helping people uncover and develop their gifting’s is endless - making stops along the way for coffee and prayer.
Nancy has been serving non-profit organizations and small business in Tennessee, Maine, and Kentucky for more than fifteen years. In that time, she has developed a remarkable array of professional skills in a wide variety of roles. Nancy’s skills set makes her and indispensable asset to the Redeem Her Now’s (RHN) team.
At Redeem Her Now, Nancy helps set policy, develop organizational structure, and facilitate many of the community outreach activities, classes, and events RHN offers.
Nancy holds a Master of Business Administration in Management from the University of Phoenix, a Master of Divinity in Pastoral Ministry from Liberty University, and a Bachelor of Science in Business Management from the University of Maine. She and her husband Chris reside in Gallatin, TN with their daughter and Goldendoodles, Galileo & Sadie.